Strong capital growth Investment Property in SMSF

Self employed client buy following property in SMSF
SMSF Property

We supported the client’s purchasing investment property in SMSF in a challenging situation.

Client bought this in a capital growth area with the aim to grow wealth for retirement.


The client had only 1 yr.’s super contributions which typically is typically a no go zone for

self-employed people. Lenders as they want to see a minimum of 2 yrs. of contributions

Secondly, the lender must lend 80% for the deal to work. Typically, SMSF lenders have LVR

restrictions based on their risk appetite for property type, location, and client profile.


Hence finding a solution can be challenging.




Fund Balance

     $ 155,000       


Purchase Price

     $ 505,000





Loan Amount

     $ 404,000


Super Contributions Required

$ 124,000.     


Fund Balance after purchase completion

      $ 31,000

Meets fund’s liquidity test of 5%

Found a home for the deal to settle on time as per the contract.

For more information contact us at

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